CoverSupermarket Ltd is a trading name of KBD Associates Ltd. For information about our company please telephone 0800 43 34 247
Whenever you fill in an online quotation form, such as a Current.Request for a quote, it is automatically protected using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) between your computer and ours.
We will use your information to manage your insurance policy, including underwriting and claims handling. This may include disclosing it to other insurers, third party underwriters and reinsurers.
Your information includes data about your transactions.
Where we have your permission, where we are required or permitted to do so by law, to other companies who provide a service to us or you or where we may transfer rights and obligations under this agreement.
Some of the personal information we ask you for may be sensitive personal data, as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (such as information about health or criminal convictions) We will not use such sensitive personal data about you or others except for the specific purpose for which you provide it and to provide the services described in your policy documents.
It is our policy to deal with you the policyholder direct or any spouse or partner who calls us on your behalf, provided they are named on the policy. If you would like someone else to deal with your policy on your behalf on a regular basis please let us know.
If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified or suspected, details may be passed to fraud prevention agencies.
Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information.
We and other organisations may also access and use this information to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example when:
- Checking applications for, and managing credit and other facilities and recovering debt;
- Checking insurance proposals and claims;
- Checking details of job applicants and employees.
We, and other organisations that may access and use information recorded by fraud prevention agencies, may do so from other countries.
It is important that you understand that any information, statements or answers made by you or us, or you insurer, are your responsibility and must be correct. Any failure to disclose facts material to the insurer or any inaccuracies in your answers may invalidate your insurance cover in part or in whole. Facts material to the insurance are matters or information which may influence your insurer as to the acceptability or otherwise of your Proposal or Renewal and must be disclose immediately. You are advised to keep copies of documentation sent to or received from us for your own protection. Please do consult us if you are in doubt on any aspect. The disclosure of information not only applies at commencement and renewal of your policy, but also at anytime during the period of insurance.
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